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Sonata Software – Consolidated Q4 PAT at Rs 83 Crores; 54% QoQ growth;Boardhas recommended final dividend of 1000% giving total dividend for year at 1400%

Mumbai, 12th May, 2021(GNI): Sonata Software, a globalITservices and technology solutions company, today reported its audited financial results for its 4thquarter and year ended 31stMarch 20 Speaking on the results,Srikar Reddy, Managing Director & CEO of…

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BharatPe launches ‘Covid Vaccination Cashback’: Rolls out initiative to encourage Covid-19 vaccination for merchants

●        Merchants to get Rs. 300 into their bank account for getting fully vaccinated ●        Merchants can figure out Covid-19 Vaccine Slots and Venues within BharatPe App India, May 12, 2021 (GNI): BharatPe, one of India’s leading fintech company for merchants, today announced…

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Honda India Foundation announces its Covid-19 support and relief measures

·         Pledges support to work with State Governments of Haryana, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat ·         COVID Care Isolation Centers and Oxygen production plant being set up along with state governments ·         Distribution of Protection kits (PPE, Mask, Sanitisers) and Food…

फेडेक्‍स भारत में पहुंचा रहा महत्‍वपूर्ण कोविड-19 सहायता सामग्री, हजारों ऑक्‍सीजन कंसंट्रेटर्स एवं कन्‍वर्टर्स, सैकड़ों हजार मास्‍क्‍स व अन्‍य सहायता सामग्री हवाई मार्ग से लायी जा रही भारत

Video मेम्फिस, टेनेसी, 6 मई, 2021 (GNI): चूंकि भारत और इसके स्‍वास्‍थ्‍य सेवा तंत्र को देश भर में कोविड-19 संक्रमणों में वृद्धि का सामना करना पड़ रहा है, ऐसे में फेडेक्‍स एक्‍सप्रेस, जो फेडेक्‍स कॉर्प. (NYSE: FDX) की एक अनुषंगी है…