Rays Power Infra announced closure of INR 127 Crore Equity Capital Fund Raise - "Trees Don’t Eat Their Own Fruits" A Solo Show of Paintings will be displayed by Ashish Kumar Maurya at Jehangir Art Gallery in Mumbai - Indo Farm Equipment Limited Announced its Initial Public Offering (IPO) to open on Tuesday, December 31, 2024 Sets Price Band fixed at ₹ 204 per equity share to ₹ 215 per equity share of the face value of ₹10 each - Godrej Agrovet Reiterates its Commitment to Handhold Indian Farmers on Kisan Diwas - "Mother's Embrace" A Photography Exhibition will be displayed by Renowned Photographer Devendra Naik at Jehangir Art Gallery in Mumbai - DAM Capital Advisors collects Rs 251 cr from Anchor Investors - Blackstone backed Ventive Hospitality Limited raises ₹ 719.55 Crores from 26 anchor investors at the upper end of the price band at ₹643 per equity share - The Inventurus Knowledge Solutions Limited listing ceremony held at NSE today - “ENCOUNTER WITH THE MOMENT” An Exhibition of Photographs by Gurdeep Dhiman at Jehangir Art Gallery in Mumbai - VENTIVE HOSPITALITY LIMITED ANNOUNCED ITS Rs. 16,000 MILLION INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING (IPO) TO OPEN ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2024 Sets Price Band fixed at Rs. 610 to Rs. 643 per equity share of face value of Rs. 1 each - Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital, Chembur, launches advanced laser system for precise and bladeless corneal surgery, Renowned actress Saiee Manjrekar inaugurates the state-of-the-art WaveLight FS200 Femtosecond Laser System


Domino’s launches 20-minutes delivery across 20 zones in India to deliver hotter, fresher and tastier pizzas to consumers~India continues to be the growth story for Domino’s Global

Delhi, Noida, 24.12.2022 (GNI): Domino’s Pizza – India’s largest pizza chain, today announced the launch of 20-minutes delivery across 20 zones. The brand is positioned to provide its consumers with a great pizza-eating experience. To achieve…

Bringing Comfort and Convenience to the Indian Kitchen, Crompton Introduces its new series of Small Domestic Appliances

Mumbai, December 19 ,2022 (GNI): A trusted legacy brand with quality, long-lasting durability, and innovation at its core, Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Ltd. (CGCEL) has been the leading company across categories of fans, lighting as well as…

सिंगापुर टूरिज्म बोर्ड एंड सोल कंपनी ने टेस्ट ऑब्सेशन लॉन्च किया

बेंगलुरु। 30th November 2022 (GNI):  विश्व स्तरीय भोजन और नाइटलाइफ़ के लिए भारतीय उपभोक्ताओं की भूख भारत में तेजी से विकसित होने वाले पाक दृश्य को चला रही है, साथ ही साथ उनकी विदेश यात्रा के विकल्पों और अनुभवों को आकार दे रही है। सिंगापुर, यूनेस्को द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त खाद्य संस्कृति द्वारा समर्थित एक खाद्य स्वर्ग के रूप में अपनी प्रतिष्ठा के साथ, आज के भारतीय यात्रियों के लिए दुनिया में सबसे रोमांचक एफ एंड बी दृश्यों में से एक प्रस्तुत करता है। सिंगापुर के प्रसिद्ध समृद्ध और विविध भोजन दृश्य में भारतीय उपभोक्ता कैसे शामिल हो सकते हैं, इसकी फिर से कल्पना करते हुए, सिंगापुर के डिप्लोमैटिक मिशन्स इन इंडिया [1] ने सिंगापुर टूरिज्म बोर्ड के साथ मिलकर 2023 तक पूरे भारत में विशेष रेस्तरां पॉप-अप की एक श्रृंखला शुरू करने के लिए द सोल कंपनी की भागीदारी की है, जिसमें आज सिंगापुर के कुछ सबसे प्रमुख F&B दिमाग शामिल हैं। डब्ड स्वाद जुनून – दोनों देशों को जोड़ने वाली साझा खाद्य संस्कृति के लिए श्रद्धांजलि में – श्रृंखला देश के मिशेलिन-तारांकित स्ट्रीट फूड से लेकर अपने सीमा-धक्का देने वाले बढ़िया भोजन रेस्तरां तक ​​​​सब कुछ का स्वाद प्रदान करेगी, मुंबई भर में लोकप्रिय रेस्तरां में आयोजित टिकट रात्रिभोज के माध्यम से , दिल्ली, बैंगलोर और चेन्नई। ये पॉप-अप दोनों देशों के बीच बहुआयामी और लंबे समय से चले आ रहे सांस्कृतिक और लोगों के बीच संबंधों का जश्न भी मनाएंगे। स्वाद जुनून श्रृंखला को किकस्टार्ट करने के लिए, रेम्पापा – समकालीन पेरानाकन भोजन परोसने वाला प्रशंसित रेस्तरां – अद्वितीय सिंगापुर के व्यंजनों की अपनी प्रतिष्ठित प्रस्तुतियों को पेश करेगा। बेंगलुरु (फोर सीजन्स होटल, 30 नवंबर) और मुंबई (मैगज़ीन सेंट किचन, 3 और 4 दिसंबर) में डायनर प्रमुख शेफ एलन चान के सिग्नेचर व्यंजनों का स्वाद चख सकेंगे, जिनमें प्रसिद्ध अयम पेलेनचेंग, मेमने रेंडांग और सिंगगैंग शामिल हैं। इस श्रृंखला में सिंगापुर के कई प्रसिद्ध डाइनिंग हॉटस्पॉट भी शामिल होंगे, जैसे होमस्टाइल सीफूड रेस्तरां केंग एंग की – मास्सिमो बोटुरा, डेविड चांग और स्वर्गीय एंथनी बॉर्डेन जैसे वैश्विक रसोइयों का नियमित रूप से देर रात पसंदीदा – और पुरस्कार विजेता स्ट्रीट फूड हॉकर चान सोया सॉस चिकन। समझदार शराब पीने वालों के लिए, श्रृंखला सिंगापुर के प्रमुख शिल्प मिश्रण विशेषज्ञों की भी मेजबानी करेगी, जिन्होंने हाल ही में अनावरण किए गए विश्व के 100 सर्वश्रेष्ठ बार्स 2022 में सिंगापुर को सूची में सबसे अधिक प्रतिनिधित्व वाला देश बनाने के लिए जिम्मेदार थे; इसमें 28 हांगकांग स्ट्रीट की टीम शामिल है, जो सिंगापुर के सबसे प्रतिष्ठित शिल्प कॉकटेल बार में से एक है।ends GNI SG

Mother Dairy pledges 101,000 glasses of milk to celebrate the101st birth anniversary of Dr. Verghese Kurien

~The Company has rolled a digital game #OneGlassMilk, encouraging consumers to step forward and contribute towards achieving the goal.~ Mumbai, 25th November 2022 (GNI):  Mother Dairy, India’s leading dairy player, has pledged to distribute 101,000 glasses of milk to the underprivileged on the occasion of National…

TTK Prestige launches India’s first Hard Anodised Cookware with 6-Layer Non-stick Coating – DURASTONE

·         An Elegant, Durable & Tough as Stone cookware range built to last ·         Durastone offers one of the highest abrasion resistance in non-stick cookware offerings in the market National, 23rd November 2022 (GNI): India’s leading and trusted…

Dunkin’ India re-launches eye-catching new restaurant design with a refreshed coffee and bakery menu

~Modern restaurant design highlights new coffee menu, premium donuts, and bakery offerings~ Noida, 16.11.2022 (GNI): Dunkin’ is one of America’s iconic coffee and bakery brands. The brand unveiled a new restaurant design in India at a…

TTK Prestige launches Svachh Flip-On, a Spillage-Control Modular Pressure Cooker that opens with just a flip

National, November 8th, 2022 (GNI): TTK Prestige, India’s leading kitchen appliances company, has launched Svachh Flip-On Pressure cooker, India’s first spillage control modular pressure cooker with a unique lid-lock mechanism.  The name arises from the fact that this range…

ITC Ltd.’s Fabelle Exquisite Chocolates unveils Fabelle Finesse – the world’s finest chocolate

~ Revolutionises the traditional approach to chocolate processing, creating a chocolate with unparalleled smoothness  ~ Chef Adriano Zumbo, on behalf of ITC, throws open a global challenge to chocolate manufacturers across the world. Winner will be…