GJC launches India’s largest shopping festival ‘India Jewellery Shopping Festival, 2023’
Jewellery worth approximately Rs 35 crore to be given away as prizes to winners
4 crores NRI’s residing outside India can now visit India for their jewellery shopping during IJSF every year
Delhi,11th October 2023 (GNI): All India Gem and Jewellery DomesticCouncil (GJC), the apex tradebody that unites jewellery manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and exporters, announced the launch of Jewellery Shopping Festival (IJSF) in Delhi today. The launch will be held across the country in 300 cities from 15th October to 22nd November. Divine Solitaires is Powered by sponsor for this event. Mr. Nitin Gadkari, Minster of Roads & Highway Transport graced the event with his presence.
The festival will offer benefits to both the B2B and the B2C segment wherein business owners can be a part of the festival by paying an enrolment fee and choosing from one of the several subscription plans that are available to them. Any purchase worth Rs 25000 will attract an assured coupon and limited-edition silver coin.
Winners will receive jewelry worth approximately Rs 35 crore. There are also other dazzling rewards like 25 gram gold coin on every set of 5000 coupon. Other giveaways are 5 prizes of 1 kg gold each, 5 prizes of Jadau jewellery worth 10 lakhs each, 5 prizes of temple jewellery worth 10 lakhs each, 10 prizes of diamond and precious stones studded jewellery worth 5 lakhs each, 10 prizes of gold jewellery worth 2.5 lakhs each and 100 prizes of diamond studded gold coin from Divine Solitaires.
Mr Saiyam Mehra, Chairman, Chairman GJC, said that, “IJSF is a potential pool for all jewellery traders, and significant interest has been demonstrated by important industry players. The event is advantageous to both consumers and manufacturers. The chance for the jewelers to grow and boost sales has arrived. Shoppers discover these pieces in the meantime and keep them for important events like weddings and other celebrations. The Gem and Jewellery Council anticipates that the entire value chain will be involved in this event, which guarantees enormous income potential. The event encourages business and rewards customers. Furthermore, it encourages professionalism and adherence to standard business practices by encouraging the use of reputable jewelers with established business strategies.”
Mr. Rajesh Rokde, Vice Chairman, GJC said, “IJSF will follow best business practices to ensure transparency and build credibility in the minds of the customers. For Indians jewellery is bought not just for occasions but also as investment and security. The upcoming India Jewellery Shopping Festival will give an opportunity to customers to take advantage of the offers and buy jewellery for long-lasting investments.”
Mr. Manoj Jha, Joint Convenor, said that, “The festival will benefit the entire jewellery industry as well as customers. IJSF is making appealing offers and giving customers the chance to win up to 40kg of gold as a prize, as well as jewellery worth approx. 3 crore INR and 100 gold coins encrusted with Divine Solitaire Diamonds. As India celebrates 75 years of independence, we provide approx. 3000 kilogram of special edition Amrit Mahotsav silver coins, as souvenir, which will be delivered as presents to clients with every purchase of Rs.25000/-. It’s exciting enough to win 1 kg of gold in addition to receiving 25 grams of gold on a regular basis. The industry would benefit from these marketing all throughout the festive season. We have partnered with process advisor E&Y, who will monitor this entirely digital procedure, to ensure complete transparency.”
For more information on Terms and Conditions of IJSF please visit www.ijsfindia.org
About GJC: All India Gem and JewelleryDomestic Council is a nationaltrade body established with the objective to address the industry, its functioning, and its causewith a 360° approach to promote and progress its growth, while protecting the industry’s interests. GJC, since the last 18 years, has been serving as a bridge between the Government and the trade as well as undertaking various initiatives on behalf of andfor the industry.
For further information, please feel free to contact All India Gem and Jewellery Domestic Council (GJC): Mr. JesusColaco- Executive ; Mobile: 8433989680; Email: jesus@gjc.org.in
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