Vikram Solar pledges to fight Covid-19 outbreak in India

NATIONAL, April 18, 2020 (GNI): Vikram Solar, in its commitment to the nation and the people, has charted out a plan of action to actively participate and contribute to the relief work related to unprecedented health crises caused by COVID-19. In association with eminent organizations, Vikram Solar has mobilized resources and funds to serve the most vulnerable citizens in these challenging times.

Key elements of the plan includes the followin:

Vikram Solar has committed to provide 1,00,000 cooked meals to the poor Pan-India in partnership with the Akshaya Patra Foundation, a non-profit organization.

The volunteers will effectively implement this campaign Pan-India to ensure that the most vulnerable and their families are not put at the increased risk of Hunger. The supporting groups will provide these meals to homeless, aged and kids, daily labours, migrant workers, slum dwelling communities, differently abled, lower income groups and anyone who may be at a higher risk of inaccessibility of food and essentials. The welfare campaign will be implemented, at 54 locations pan India to the vulnerable families, cities

Vikram Solar is also distributing dry ration products in Falta, West Bengal region near their factory. In addition to this, the company is also supporting many local communities in Rajasthan near its existing plants by providing them ration and groceries.

Mr. Gyanesh Chaudhay, MD, Vikram Solar said, “It has become clearer that Global Pandemic Covid – 19 hasn’t left our country unscathed. While India is observing precautionary lockdown for weeks, the call of duty is not limited only to the essential service providers, but it is for every individual or orgnaisation who is in capacity to provide the best possible service when it is required the most. In this extraordinary situation, Vikram Solar would like to ensure that the out of job daily wagers, homeless and elderly are safe, healthy and protected. With our collective efforts, we shall overcome and come out stronger than ever before,” stated in the press release.

 About Vikram Solar Limited (formerly known as Vikram Solar Pvt. Ltd.) is a leading solar energy solutions provider, specializing in efficient PV module manufacturing and comprehensive EPC solutions. With an international presence in 6 continents, the Company is an active contributor in shaping the solar revolution across continents. Carrying forward the extensive manufacturing experience of the Vikram Group, Vikram Solar, since 2006, is building on a 4-decade-old success story.

Vikram Solar’s annual PV module production capacity stands at 1.2 GW. The Company’s products comply with the international standards of quality, reliability and performance. As a fully forward- integrated Solar EPC solutions provider, Vikram Solar deploys world-class technology to design, install and commission solar projects worldwide.ends

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