Mumbai: 27th June 2023 (GNI): Over 80 students from Think India HRC, a student body within HR College of Commerce and Economics, Churchgate, will volunteer at the MSME StartUp Expo, organized by the Ministry of MSME, Government of India on 27th, 28th and 29th June 2023.
The event will be inaugurated by Shri Narayan Rane, Hon’ble Union Minister of MSME and Member of Parliament, on the very first day of the event. The MSME StartUp Expo is an exhibition organized by the Government of India at World Trade Centre, Cuffe Parade that will see the participation of 60+ start-ups who would set up their stalls and exhibit their products to visitors of the exhibition. The event will see top government dignitaries, state officials and entrepreneurs from across India attend the exhibition. Last year too, Think India HRC had participated in the organisation of the exhibition.
The students will be volunteering in a variety of roles, including helping the small businesses set up stalls, assisting with administrative tasks, and interacting with visitors. This is a great opportunity for students to learn about how small businesses function and to interact with entrepreneurs. It is also a chance to bridge the generation gap between the present generation of entrepreneurs and the upcoming new-age class of entrepreneurs.
“This is a great opportunity for our students to understand how small businesses function, and will also boost interaction between students and small businesses, thereby bridging a generation gap between the present generation of entrepreneurs and the upcoming new-age class of entrepreneurs,” said Prof. Pooja Ramchandani, Principal of HR College of Commerce & Economics. “I would further thank the Ministry of MSME for giving our students the opportunity to participate in the organisation process of the exhibition.”
H.R. College of Commerce & Economics is currently the ‘lead and constituent college’ under HSNC University, Mumbai. The college continuously strives for excellence in teaching and learning at undergraduate/postgraduate levels. H.R. College takes pride in pushing the learning curve while encouraging and facilitating faculty and students to engage in cutting-edge research and teaching. The mission of the college is to connect and build partnerships with the corporate sector and non-profit making communities while ensuring success of both the college and its stakeholders.ends GNI
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